Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Home Stretch

Well, I'm closing in. I've got a bit over 44,000 words written, and won't go to bed tonight before my word count is at least 46, 676, which is the "official" word count goal for today. That leaves me with just over 3000 words to write on Thursday and Friday, and then genties and ladlemen, I will be done.

I am so doing this.

Speaking of home stretches, there's three days left of NaBloPoMo too. I'm gonna make that too.

And then maybe in December I can start knitting again.

Then I would have something to post about!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was just reading your blog in an attempt to avoid grading papers for a few minutes.
"Hey Jess, roll the dice so I can take a picture"
"Hey Jess, stick your hands in the box o' yarn"
clicky There's Jess and Katie in the kitchen at the Knit party. (It's still weird seeing my head with so much less hair)
"Hey Jess, post a comment...NOW!"

Am I your blog-fodder monkey?!
I'm your blog-fodder monkey, aren't I?