Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fight Me, Rusty (2020 Crafting Goals and Intentions)

I got called out at work the other day because I said that I don't do New Year's Resolutions, but I do have some goals and intentions for 2020.  Resolutions and Goals are totally different, Rusty.  Fight me.

Amongst my other goals and intentions (not resolutions) for the year, I identified a few crafting related goals that I thought I'd share here on the blog.  I'll plan a few check-in posts throughout the year, and we'll see how we go.

My crafting intentions are all about how I want to feel about my hobby, whereas the goals are rather more specific in terms of the details of what I want to do. Ideally the goals should support the desired intentions, otherwise I'm doing it wrong.

Crafting Intentions

  • I want to continue to expand my skills, try new techniques, and execute current skills with more precision.
  • I want to expand my learning beyond my current comfort zone (so more spinning and weaving, basically).
  • I want to play and have fun with what I'm making.
  • I want to be clever about what I'm choosing to spend my time on, so that the end result is items that are both beautiful and useful. 
  • I want to feel positive and proud about my stash, not embarrassed or defensive.  

This is a lot of text.  Here's a picture of the socks I'm currently working on.
Crafting Goals
  1. Make good use of my #makenine2020 list for inspiration.  As I said in my last post, I don't have a hard and fast "must knit all of these things" kind of plan for makenine, but these are all things I'd like to make, or yarn I'd like to use.
  2. Craft 15,000 yards or more.  This will basically maintain my current level of crafting, and I have a stretch goal of 20K.  I'll be happy with 15, though.
  3. Do more weaving.  "More" doesn't really have a numerical value attached to it (so not a "SMART" goal as such, but whatever, I do what I want.)  Some things I'd like to work on include: hand towels, napkins, simple herringbone, more faux plaid scarves/infinity cowls out of self striping yarn.  I have plenty of stash on hand to do any or all of these.
  4. Knit 20 pairs of socks in 2020.  I hit this in 2019, and would like to do it again.  For purposes of this goal, ankle socks totally count.
  5. Knit 6 pair of festive socks (to be counted among the aforementioned 20, I'm not looking to sustain a pair of socks every other week all year long.  I make questionable knitting-related decisions, but that's a bridge too far even for me.)
  6. Finish at least one of those ding-danged blankets.
  7. I don't have a spinning specific goal, but I probably should.
  8. Continue to use old growth stash, in addition to the canopy stash.
I do also have some HPKCHC specific goals, but I suspect they'd take more explaining than they are actually worth.  It all definitely rolls under my "have fun" intention though, so there's that.

2020 Goals, First Draft
I plan to do quarterly reviews of these goals to see if I need to course correct, or to celebrate what I've accomplished.  I'll do the review regardless, but time will tell if I make it back here to blog about it.

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