Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Gearing Up for February

So, I won't be posting much today — I was planning to post my uFo's, but instead I caught Jess' nasty sneezy/fluey bug. So I'm off to sit on my couch, drink warm liquids and knit. I have to work this afternoon, whether I feel well enough or not (which I don't) so I'm going to be girding my loins and screwing my courage to the sticking point.

And stuff.

I'll be back later -- hopefully with more content.


Unknown said...

now I have guilt. If it makes you feel any better, my strain of the bug was short-lived. I have very little mucous today.
And I'm plugging "February is for Finishing." Iris keeps telling me, "We need to get ready for February!"

Anonymous said...

Feel better! At least if you knit you can still feel productive.