Well, now that Koren has moved out, she's taken her Clie with her (the hussy), so I can't provide pictures. Happily, my Jim has graciously
caved in to my incessant whining offered to let me use his camera. So I'll not be pictureless forever.
I've started lots of projects and finished a few since last I updated.
The Weasley sweater (as previously reported) is done, done done!
I also started, and finished if you can believe it, a fair aisle dice bag. Its lined, got a zipper, and everything. This is me, being proud. I used Wool of the Andes from
Knitpicks because I wanted to try it out. I have to say that Knitpicks is all that and a bag of chips too. I highly recommend. Anyway, pictures of said dice bag will be forthcoming.
I finished up a truly hideous little sweater vest for Rowan that I started during the same era of quilting that saw the birth of Morgan's color block sweater. He adores it. Go figure.
I've also started Knitty's
Branching Out. Me and every other knitter in the blogosphere. Baaaaaa. I'm using Sinfonia (a sportweight mercerized cotton) in a lovely cinamon color. Its a nice carry along project, although for some reason I seem unable to memorize the lace pattern. I do have my handy-dandy knitting journal though, so all is well.
In other news, I've decided to join a "Mystery Stole Knit Along". There's a
Yahoo group and each piece of the pattern is given in installments. Seems like a groovy concept, and I can use my
Alpaca Cloud for it. I'm using the Autumn colorway. I'm sensing a trend in the colors I like.